"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." Matthew 7:13-14

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Confessions of a mom!

Confessions of a mom:
*When we say we didn't get any sleep the night before, it's not because we were up partying or having a crazy night. It's because a child was up all night sick.

*When we say we have a busy night ahead of us, it's not because we have plans to go out on the town. It's because we have to cook dinner, feed kids, bathe them , do homework/story time, put them to bed, clean the house, take out the trash, get a shower ourselves and maybe get to bed before 1 am.

*When our vehicle has trash and cups all over it it's not because were lazy. It's because we were running late and drive-thru was all we had time for.

*When our nice white carpet and walls have stains and hand prints on them it isn't because we don't want to clean. It's because our child got mad and threw their cup of juice that will NOT come out even if you used straight bleach or rubber their hand in ketchup and smeared it on the walls and it stained the cheap ass paint.

*When your child is walking around with one or no shoes on, it isn't because we let them dress their selves. It's because they got mad at you in the car and threw one or both of their shoes out the window on the freeway!

*When a quiet night at home doesn't consist of anything romantic. But that the kids went to bed without screaming for 35 minutes and we get to bed at a decent hour.

*When a romantic evening costs less then $20 and you don't have to leave your house. Consisting of nothing more than no kids, take out, and a red box movie.

The simple things in life I suppose, but kids make your life worth while!!!