"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." Matthew 7:13-14

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Okay so i just finished watching the movie The 19th Wife and I have to say it's a good movie and brings real insight into the subject. Polygamy does still happen today and has been more made aware of by the hit T.V. show 'Sister Wives'. I decided to do some research on the subject to figure out WHY someone would want to be a polygamist and there beliefs. Polygamy is a sick way for old horny men to have as many wives as he wants and at illegal ages, some as young as 11 or 12. I fully beieve in freedom of religion, but what are people thinking. Polygamy is modern day slavery at it's finest. The whole fundamentals of polygamy is to please God by pleasing your husband and bearing him many children to do the same and create an Army for the Lord for the end times. The whole point is to break a persons will, even from infancy. A crying baby is not to cry, if it does they are to do one of two things: hold its nose and mouth firmly, or place the babies head under running water (can you say "child abuse"?) Their vocabulary is stripped of words like "I", "we", and "me", and it is also against the rules to laugh! The "prophet" said to be "ordained" by God is the leader in these colonies (CULTS?).

 "Soon after puberty, girls are assigned by the “prophet” to a husband, usually an older man. Men need at least three wives to get into the “celestial kingdom.” A woman can only be “celestialized” if she pleases her husband." - http://www.religionnewsblog.com/11118/cult-stories-enough-to-make-you-want-to-cry

Polygamist believe that if they disobey their husband, or for some reason become unmarried (by death, and do not remarry) that they will not go to Heaven.

Someone needs to send a bible to these people and spread the REAL Word of God to them.  The Bible states that marriage is for ONE man to be married to ONE woman.  Not to 10, 20, 50 or even 100 women. It is sad that people actually live this way, some women find the strength to leave the cults and spread their story of "Hell on Earth". I give them props especially because it is dangerous. This world and the people in it will never cease to amaze me. If you want to read a remarkable story of Polygamy pick up "The 19th wife" by David Ebershoff. A story of miss Ann Eliza Young who escaped a polygamy colony.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


As darkness falls like a blanket,
enveloping every aspect of light, 
the night prowlers come out to play. 
As crimson tears fall from my eyes, 
I sit alone in this darkening place I call my life. 
I dwell in the darkness, 
flourishing and infatuated with it.
It feels like home to me, 
the place for me. 
So many are afraid of the dark, 
of the secrets and mysteries that it holds. 
Maybe because they feel helpless or out of place, 
or maybe just scared of what they will find or learn about themselves. 
But the darkness is my refuge, 
my safe haven far from anyone else. 
A place to think, 

to feel without judgment.
dwells in the darkness. 
The point that every person longs for, 
but is deathly afraid to find. 
Where mind, 
body and soul are so closely intertwined it's almost impossible to pull one from the others. Where nothing is impossible. 
This is the night, 
the dark and this is where I dwell.....

Ms. Rivard wrote Sept.2nd 2009 @ 8:36 p.m.