"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." Matthew 7:13-14

Monday, April 25, 2011


Its the journey we walk, 
the road we go down,
that makes us who we are.
And it's the lessons we learn,
mistakes that we make,
that makes us who we are. 

I've been there before,
didn't like who I became.
Through the trials,
and the pain.
I made it through the rain.

And it's the journey we walk,
the road we go down,
that makes us who we are.
And it's the lessons we learn,
mistakes that we make,
that makes us who we are.

I can't change who I am,
but I can change my situation.
No matter what they say,
I'm in control of my life.

I will make mistakes,
and sometimes I will fall.
But I'll get right up,
dust myself off
and keep on movin' on.

Because it's the journey we walk,
the road we go down,
that makes us who we are.
And it's the lessons we learn,
mistakes that we make,
that makes us who we are.

And in the end we won't be dissappointed,
'Cuz this is exactly what we made ourselves to be.
This is Me... 
