"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." Matthew 7:13-14

Saturday, April 30, 2011

My very UNLUCKY Wednesday!

The day started out like any other... I am sitting at work talk to a customer when all of a sudden *CRUNCH* this horrible sound rings through my head, followed by EXCRUCIATING pain.. As i try not to cry out in pain, I realize that i just broke my tooth and it is now throbbing and bringing me to tears!! The pain is overwhelming and I really don't know what to do... Deciding that going to the dentist THAT INSTANT was probably in my best interest... Luckily, my dentist is right down the street from work... Unfortunately, it was there lunch break and wouldn't be back for an hour.. OK! I told myself, one hour i can handle that. I will take some Tylenol to help with the pain and before i know it they will be open again and i van get this problem fixed.  
Finally, I get into the dentist and they fit me right in. They decided without a doubt they were gonna rip that tooth from my gums. First shot hurt like a bitch, next shot not so bad, third shot (now here's the kicker) hit my nerve and sent a horrible shooting pain up my nasal cavity and straight to my brain before practically paralyzing the right half of my head. This shot instantly made the ENTIRE room spin at a mile a minute, makeing me feel like i was gonna have my lunch make a re-appearance. Ten minutes later (and a shot in the roof of my mouth)  the tooth was extracted nicely! PROBLEM #1: I was seeing double vision out of my right eye, causing the dentist to worry (NEVER a good thing)... Afer sitting there an extra 45 minutes and my vision not getting any better I decided to go sit in my car and get some fresh air, hoping it would help.... As I am sitting there i notice that i don't have any problem looking to the left and my vision is fine, BUT (PROBLEM #2: When i look to the right, my left eye moves but my right eye stays looking forward.. Hence looking pretty fucked up!)  The fresh air didn't help a bit, so there I sit in a car i can't drive because my dentist fucked up my right eye.... Which kinda freaked me out recalling the affidavit they make you sign that the anesthetics can cause paralysis and they are not held responsible.. What kind of bull shit is that? Let me inject you with this drug which may cause you to lose function in your face, but don't worry we'll get that tooth out! :-D   How comforting is that? Finally I had someone come pick me up, and my eye returned to normal after about 3 1/2 hours after initial shot. Moral to the story, make sure you really read what you sign even if in the dentist office because you never know when they'll hit a nerve!